Healthy You 2024


Top 5 tips for a healthier you

  1. Drink Plenty of Water

  2. Move More

  3. Vegetables are key

  4. Eat healthy food

  5. Get plenty of Sleep


Drink More Water

Your entire body will thank you, especially your skin!

  • Drink half of your body weight in ounces to start.

  • Eat more fruits that contain water- like watermelon.

  • Add lemon or other fruits to your water for flavor

Tools: Water Tracker

Move More

10,000 steps a day x 60 days.

  • Your miles include: biking, rowing, and running.

  • When in doubt, walk.

  • Submit to your supervisor.

Tools: Step Tracker

Vegetables are Key

5 Servings per day.

  • Eat real food.

  • No labels, no problem.

Tools: Find healthy Recipes

Eat Healthy Food

Check out the Eat the Rainbow Challenge!

Get Plenty of Sleep

Find tips in the Healthy Family Lifestyles 95210 Program

Join our 4 week program for some more guidance and motivation to get started at anytime !!


Healthy Holidays