Provider Education.

These are the recordings from the Obesity Symposium, and coming soon more webinar training and tools for you.

Obesity Symposium 9/16/23

Summary and review of the new AAP 2023 Obesity guidelines.

Join us in reviewing everything from the basics of the new guidelines, motivational interviewing, and all of the comorbidities of the new guidelines are reviewed by the Pediatric sub-specialists. In addition, how to use your EMR to work for you to help make these changes in your practice.

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Simplification and introduction of the new 2023 AAP Obesity Guidelines :Dr. Bruno, Pediatrician. Founder of Happen 365

Obesity related sleep disorders

Ideas to help make your EMR work for you and new guideline integration easier


Pediatric Neurology reviewed IIH - physical exam and history pearls.

Review of criteria and explanation of procedure

Pediatric Orthopedic complications of obesity reviewed: Blount disease, SCFE and back pain

Description of how NAFLD develops in obese patients and hyperlipidemia criteria

Obesity related Mental Health concerns reviewed and how to evaluate for them.

Endocrine disorders can be caused by obesity and how they can cause obesity.