Fall Challenge: Healthy Holidays

OCtober | November | December

How to stay healthy during the holidays. 

  1. How can you survive Holiday parties?

    I always say it is not about the HOLIDAY itself but about the many days we celebrate before and after.  Entire months are  celebrations. There are 3 parties a week at school right now, friday night with friends, weekends with events, family and then there are the Xmas cookies. 


    Let "Eat, drink and be mindful" be your motto. Don't swear off holiday treats. Instead, give yourself permission

    Rethink your feelings about your favorite Holiday snacks. Allow Holiday treats but NOT a cheat. When we think of holiday foods as CHEATS then we feel bad about eating them, so then what do we do? We eat more because we feel bad. Just changing that one idea can really help you stay in control this holiday season. 

  3. SO a few tips to enjoy yourself but be a little more mindful this year:  

  • Provide the healthier treat for class or work parties, it also ensures it’s an option for you and your family.

  • Make it about the event, not the food.  Eat healthy before you go.  

  • Fill up on the healthy foods first when you get there- eat your salad first or hit the veggie platter

  • Set limits with yourself and the kids.  A helpful phrase I like to use is “1 and done” on special occasions: Works for all types of sugar: Juice, Cookies, cake, Cocktails, sweet tea.  I use it with my own kids and patients and they hear my voice (in their head) when it's time for refills. At least most of the time…

  • Keep to your regular meal schedule the day of your event- try not to skip meals to “save up for the big holiday dinner”. It is actually better to have eaten normal all day and have a  healthy snack before you go because your metabolism will be working in your favor by the time you get there and you will have more energy to enjoy the party. Savor small  portions of your favorites

  • Balance out the week with activity or stay on a target meal plan all week prior to the event.   Make a small goal before the holiday: a small and easy one, but more than you are doing now.  Some easy examples:

      1. Walk every day at lunch or after Dinner 

      2. I will get to the gym 3 times this week -

      3. Pick an event early in the year that you need to start training for now- like prepping for a 5K

Specific Holiday Tips coming up next: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years tips