Exercise- Yep, its time to start or get going again. Lets go!!

Exercise plan- lets get started there with goals. OK so there are a few kinds of people- those that love to workout, those that enjoy it when they do it, but just can’t get started or stay motivated and some people just hate it (I will only run from a bear kinda people…you know who you are). Here is the problem, everyone needs to exercise at least a little bit to keep things moving ( like your joints, your heart, etc…), especially if your job is more stationary at a desk all day. Adults require a little less than kids at 30min at least 5 days a week (150 min/ week)-but kids need 60 minutes every day - links to American Heart Association reference and recommendations below.

FREE RESOURCE : Tai Chi online class provided by Betty Scanlon now retired Pediatric Nurse Practioner ***free resource for the month of July 2022** here is her link http://www.taichiforbetterhealth.com

Here are some basic exercises that you can do at home without any props or weights and do not take much time at all using your body weight, floor or a chair:

  1. Walking- easiest way to start. You just need sneakers and a plan. Accountability partners are helpful too :) Running is the next step from walking if you would like. Couch to 5k app is very helpful in start up. Give it a try

  2. Squat (sit to stand), - every time you go to sit down during the day, stand back up. Do it 5-10 times in a row and focus on contracting your muscles in your legs and lower abdomen. Benefits of Squats: large muscle mass in thighs and glutes engaged increases leg strength, endurance,  fat burning, metabolism and knee stability 

  3. Pushup (wall, counter/chair, floor)- any position will help engage your your arms (front and back), chest and abdominal muscles.

    Push-up challenge- start with as many as you can do- ( 2 or 10) then add 2 more every day, try to repeat x 3 rounds daily. Write it down every day this month

  4. Plank (forearm or straight arms)- works the entire front of your body with a focus on core muscles. It can reduce back pain, posture and balance and all you have to do is hold position as long as possible.

    Plank challenge- add time every day (10-30 seconds until it is a few minutes) then do it daily.

  5. Jump rope- start with 50 a day. No jump rope? Then start with jumping jacks

***Several free apps and guidelines that can challenge you on a daily basis. American Heart Association launched a fierce 5 exercises challenge here.  Try typing in exercise challenge or your phone or computer and you will find multiple free options, print outs and daily sources of inspiration. 

Find a cause to support. This is very motivating in itself. I just signed up to Run 50 miles the month of June to support Leukemia and lymphoma research. I wanted to start running again anyway now I have put a cause, a number (50 miles) and a deadline to it. Find one that you feel passionate about or join me from anywhere if this cause speaks to you too. Exercise will help save your life too !!

Goal setting: Start slow and check in frequently with yourself- its ok to change goals and how you plan on getting to them. Make a plan, write it down (with all of the tiny, very specific details) and adjust as needed. 

Example of vague exercise goal: I will walk after dinner 3 times this week

Improved very specific and more likely to happen goal : Written on weekly board or in planner or reminder on your phone : Monday, Weds and Friday this week when I get home from work I will put on my walking clothes, then after eating dinner and before I do the dishes, I will put on my sneakers and walk for 30 minutes ( 2 laps around the block) with my kids and the dog. Now that is very specific - exactly when, how and with whom. Engaging your walking accountability partners helps seal the deal- now you have reminders from your kids and spouse that it is time to walk when you get home.

More reasons to focus on exercise (If you need more convincing and maybe a little bit more motivation) studies have shown many proven benefits as below:

1. Exercising regularly at ANY Intensity can improve your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. 

2. Reaching goals increases self-esteem  

3. Increase endorphins increases “happy hormones” and feeling of control which in itself decreases depression. 

4. Exercise is crucial to supporting a faster metabolism which will help you burn more calories per day. This will also help to maintain your muscle mass and of course help with weight loss.

5. Physical activity helps you build muscles and strong bones, it can help prevent osteoporosis.

6. It can increase your energy levels, this is true even in people with chronic disease. 

7. Moderate exercise can provide antioxidant protection (natural immune response) which is how it protects you against Cancer and will increase blood flow which can protect your skin and delay signs of aging (bonus).

8. Improve blood flow to the brain and helps brain health and memory among older adults that can help protect mental function.

9. Regular physical activity regardless of type can help you sleep better and feel more energized during the day.

10. Decreased pain associated with various conditions, it can also increase pain tolerance.

American Heart Association recommendations for minimal time to exercise per day / week:

Kids : 60 min a day

Adults: 150 min per week 




Your Mental Health is the most important part…Likely more than you think