Goals and Habits- Lets work toward creating some that are effective

Its takes some practice and preparation to succeed. There are some important tips and steps involved in even thinking about choosing a goal.  In this brief video above I review some tips from Tony Robbins from his (much longer) but very good video on you tube. This list I created led me to help create my vision board and a list of goals for this year and even came up with a few long term goals while I was at it. Goals can be made at anytime (January is a great reminder- new year, new goals. But you can start with new day, week or month…. new goals) and then reviewing them at least every 3-6 months are some keys to follow through with yourself.

Now some data if you need some proof that your time is worth it:

A study from Harvard …. Shows that writing down goals had significant impact: 13% of graduates from the MBA program that had their goals written down ended up earning twice the amount of class but the 3% of the class who also included a plan (goals and a plan) earned 10 times as much as the other 97% of the class put together 10 years after graduation. SO this supports that this is a skill that you should get good at and making a habit of doing at least yearly to help improve your odds of reaching those goals you just made and maybe some more money :)

Remember: write it down, add a timeline, be specific. Cover all of the aspects of your life or just what is most important to you right now: Health and Fitness, finance, family, relationships, and stuff (that one is fun- what stuff do you want?? write it down). Making the vision board just adds the visual level and reinforcement over the year as a daily reminder. The trifecta- having a goal, making a plan and having a visual reminder- Harvard does not have the data yet, but experts say it helps you level up. Why not give it a try? Hope this helps you get started.

Kids/ family and goals: I have over this past two years in quarantine really worked on having some deeper conversations with my family and asked some more detailed questions like: where have you always wanted to go to my husband, my parents and kids. From those conversations I now have some different more special trips planned that will be meaningful for everyone. It is a goal of mine to continue this with my kids more often and continue to try to get specific goals from them as well. A few easy ones to start with them would be: 1. Now: school goals, friends 2. Big picture: life goals, career goals, location/house goals, travel goals to start. It should be interesting to see how this changes over the years.

Other tips and reinforcement: consider a contract with yourself or with your family- you can hold each other accountable when you reach your goals either your own or the whole family then you get a reward. Take a trip, go to the beach or the movies. Be specific and write it all out- everyone signs. Here is a link to an article and more details on self-contracts

Good Luck and Happy Goal and Vision Board making !!

Be well. Dr. B


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