How your pet can improve your health (physical and mental)

In honor of the recent passing of one of the best dogs ever (Benson), I wanted to reflect on how beneficial dog pets are on the health of children and their families. We all know that dogs are cute, loyal and loving. But did you know that there are so many important health benefits of having a pet (cats and many other pets too).

Here are just a few proven benefits for pet owners :

  1. Anxiety and mood: they provide emotional support during times of stress. Research has shown that good moods increase and bad moods decrease around pets. Has also shown a calming effect with improved behavior in children with ADHD and Autism.

  2. Teaches some responsibility: chores can be made of feeding, walking and caring for them

  3. Unconditional love: they are always there when you get home waiting to greet you with a tail wag or snuggle on the couch or bed. Studies have proven the act of petting your cat releases oxytocin also called the “cuddle chemical” (one for the cat lovers). I am sure the effect is similar for cuddling your dog too, it’s just not proven yet.

  4. Protection: even if it is just an Amazon delivery man, a doorbell on TV or a bear on the lanai (actually happened) these guys will bark to save your life.

  5. Exercise: studies show that pet owners that are walking their dogs get 30 minutes of exercise a day. This has been linked to a decrease in heart disease (as per the American Heart Association) and can extend your lifespan (up to 24% less likely to die for any reason). Getting the family involved a few times a day gets your child walking too, social interaction with neighbors and just spending time outdoors can help treat anxiety and depression. In addition playing catch is fun (when they return the ball), and having a built in workout partner to go on a run or hike with is always motivating.

  6. Additional proven benefits: the link between having a pet dog for children specifically ages 4-10 and their associated healthy weight and lower anxiety levels has been studied. Links available below

My friend and mentor Dr. Anne Gadomski  performed some research studies that supports children and their pets, and I wanted to reflect on her work specifically supporting that “having a pet dog in the home was associated with a decreased probability of childhood anxiety”.

In additional she published the association that dogs also increased physical activity in 4-10yr olds which can help decrease screen time and decrease the development of childhood obesity.

So here are a few reasons to support the argument to get a dog (in case you are on the fence), go for a walk, initiate chores if you have not yet started to get your kids involved and appreciate the benefits you may already have. These cute friendly guys can help your families mental and physical health as your kids grow. It is sad when they leave us, but “until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains un-awakened”. Be well xoxo Dr. B

pets improve your health


My lovable giant, you will be missed


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