Sugar in your diet: How to first find it, then get rid of it, and then you can finally retrain your brain !!

Step 1 : Sugar in your diet. How to figure out how much is really there and learn how little you really need. (wink video not currently loading)

How to calculate how much sugar is in your drink reviewed in more detail in this video, more training in the Zero section of the 5210 program in the next section of this website and on the Island Coast Pediatric website 5210 page . Make it easy- there is no math if you loose the label and all of those ingredients and just drink water :)

How to calculate sugar on label of soda

The most effective start to any weight loss process is to tackle the ZERO. Its hard. Sugar is addicting and your brain wants it. It is OK, you just need to retrain your brain. It will take about 2 weeks for you not to want it as much anymore (I promise).

Using example above- Why is 15 teaspoons too much?? How much should I have in a drink or all day?

Total sugar recommendations for the day:

Kids: 4 teaspoons, Women: 6 teaspoons and Men: 9 teaspoons as per the American Heart Association.

Can you see now why 15 teaspoons is a bit much in 1 drink? If a child has 1 soda they have exceeded the limit for more than 4 days !!

What else should I be looking for on the label other than the word sugar? So many names for sugar. Here is a list of a few. Usually ending with -ose. Such as glucose, sucrose, dextrose, lactose, maltose, etc….. In addition honey, on any syrup such as high fructose corn syrup, cane syrup and brown sugar syrup. “Natural and Organic” does not mean free of sugar. Natural and organic means free of extra chemicals and preservatives.

Organic foods are grown without artificial pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides. Organic meat, eggs, and dairy products are obtained from animals that are fed natural feed and not given hormones or antibiotics. Natural foods are free of synthetic or artificial ingredients or additives. None of them mean free of sugar.

Retraining your brain:

  1. Wean yourself off the sugar- you can stop cold turkey or you can slowly cut back. Whatever works best for you and your family, but set a goal and keep working until you get to Zero ( or really close). Find a healthier replacement such as seltzer or flavored water and replace where needed. If you need the caffeine (parents) there are now flavored seltzers with caffeine added.

  2. Change associated behaviors- such as : “I drink a soda in the morning as my wake up drink” or “with my Pizza on Friday”. Once you break these associated habits you will stop craving soda at these times. You now have newer healthier options to choose from!

  3. Reward yourself! (No, not with a soda) Go buy yourself a fun new large water cup (40 oz are a good size- less refills needed) for all that water you are drinking now or a water cup with fruit infuser for some naturally flavored water.

Resources for you:

1. How to limit sugar in your home. You have to start tracking your intake and get everyone on board in your house.

Sugar 101

trackers: MyfitnessPal and Smart Sugar app are helpful to keep accurate account

2. Sugar swaps for healthier choices

3. American Heart Association with more ideas to Rethink your drink


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