Intro to 95210

In this section you will learn more about the Healthy Family Lifestyles guide and program. Learn more about a few of our amazing partnership of resources like the American Heart Association, Dr. Yum, the American Academy of Pediatrics, Healthy, and Let's Go 5210 Maine Health who was the founding group of the “5210 Program” and helped to create many of these educational tools for families and providers.

Family resources:

Florida DOH

AHA : Essential 8 fact sheet

AHA Website

Fast food choices

Healthy recipes:

Doctor Yum


Healthy Lunch:

Back-to-school tips

Food labels:

Understanding Food Nutrition Labels

Making the Most of the Nutrition Facts Label Infographic

Age-specific Recommendations:

Early feeding Resources 5210 Maine (0-2yr)

Resources 5210 Maine (2yr-18 Yrs )

Teens Specific Recommendations

Teen Athletes

Teen nutrition


9 hrs of sleep